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Interview mit Justine Moore.

Interview mit Justine Moore.

Die meisten Leute haben eine Berufsbezeichnung, Justine Moore aus New York hat gleich fünf: Certified Personal Trainer, Fitness Model, Figure / Bikini Competitor, Representative of Team MET-Rx, Pure Protein und Worldwide Nutrition Representative. Ihre Geschichte ist die fast typische aus den Staaten: Bis vor fünf Jahren waren Muffins, Pop Tarts, Pizza, Diät Limo, Vodka und gezuckerte Kaffee – Fertiggetränke hauptsächlich das, was sie so im Laufe des Tages zu sich nahm. Sport gab es nicht in ihrem Leben. Nach dem College änderte sich das radikal: Sie fing an sich mit Fitness, Ernährung und dem menschlichen Körper intensiver zu beschäftigen und änderte ihr Leben dadurch radikal. Soweit die Kurzfassung davon, wie man zu einem Top – Body und etlichen Berufsbezeichnungen kommt. Die weiteren Details lest ihr im Interview mit der bezaubernden Justine!

Please introduce yourself. Who are you and what are you are you doing?
My name is Justine Moore and I am a Certified Personal Trainer, NPC Bikini Competitor and Fitness Model. Fitness is my passion and my life and it is my dream to be a top name and face in the fitness industry.

What is your daily routine?
Wake up and do morning cardio before breakfast. Then I train clients, do my weight training, and then train more clients. Then beauty sleep!

How often do you train your body and how does it look like?
Currently I work out 2 times a day Monday-Saturday. Its cardio in the morning and weight training in the afternoon.

How does your nutrition look like before a competition and regularly?
I eat a lot of protein consisting of fish, chicken, turkey, egg whites and protein shakes. Complex carbs including oatmeal, sweet potatoes and brown rice. I take in healthy fats in the form of olive oil and flax oil. Plus lots and lots of vegetables and water!!!

What is your favourite meal?
I love my breakfast- oatmeal, egg whites and grapefruit! For a “cheat” or “reward” meal my favorites are Mexican food and ice cream!

How important ist the belief in yourself for you and how important is it in your job?
I believe anything is possible if you are willing to work hard and make sacrifices. I give everything I do 110 %… and I truly believe I will reach all my goals if I keep pushing. That faith in myself keeps me going day in and day out.

What gives you the strength to keep your faith in yourself alive?
I have an amazing support system- my family, my boyfriend, my coaching team, and my friends all believe in me and support my goals. I strive to be the very best I can be and make them proud!

What do you do to relax?
I love to go out for a nice dinner when I can have a “reward” meal off my diet. I also love watching movies and my favorites television shows… especially comedies that make me laugh!

Do you have a mantra?
I love inspirational quotes and this is one of my favorites: “Dreams do come true, if we only wish hard enough. You can have anything in life if you will sacrifice everything else for it.” James M. Barrie.

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Die Redaktion Make Yourself Move ist ein Onlinemagazin für Yoga, Meditation, Inspiration, Reisen und all die schönen Dinge im Leben, die uns wieder näher zu uns selbst bringen. Seit 2011 berichten wir über Yoga in allen Varianten, Spiritualität, Astrologie und Ernährung. Ein bunter Mix aus Interviews, Reportagen und Erlebnisberichten, die sich bodenständig, weltoffen und voller Leichtigkeit lesen lassen und auch gerne mal in der Tiefe berühren.

F: mindstyle.magazin W: www.makeyourselfmove.de

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